Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6, 2016

 Some of the happy retirees who joined us at our August Meet and Greet at Renaissance on 9th.

Many joined that day and others promised to later.  We look forward to seeing them again. 

 You may recognize some members who also were present.  They were there to help welcome the guests and to discuss the benefits of belonging to MCREA. 

Sue Roe and Elaine Waldron had the speakers and the refreshments in order, and there were even door prizes.

     I hope you all had a great summer without being washed away last week in Hermine.  Have you ever known anyone named Hermine?  We know her now--too well.  I think the folks in trailer parks and on Anna Maria certainly become aware of her.  We had some water in our garage, but that wasn't too terrible.  Chet even had to throw out some of the junk which he has been collecting forever because it got wet and fell apart.  Now that was a perk for me.  Actually, I was hoping for something akin the Hercules coming to clean out the Aegean Stables, but Hermine let me down there.
    According to Linda Edson, the Legislature is once again plotting to do away with the Florida Retirement System.  It looks as if we will have to marshal all our forces again.  Since we have an election coming up, we might want to look into how those candidates view our retirement system.  We can email and call them to make our concerns known. 
    I hope to see you at our first meeting on September 15th.  We will meet at 11:30 at Renaissance on 9th as usual.  Lunch is still $15 and we will put the little bags on the tables to collect sales taxes if you can help.  Get together a list of the hours you have spent volunteering since we met in May and be ready to put the totals in the basket at your table. 
    Remember we are still collecting books for FELT, personal items for the Salvation Army and the nursing home, and food for the Manatee Food Pantry.  Please give what you can.  ( It strikes me that the needs are many and various.  Since I am one of the last ones who can remember the Great Depression and WWII, I can tell you this is a period not unlike those two.  We collected everything then -- balls of tin foil and string, newspapers, tin cans, produce from our victory gardens, and clothing.  Now, in the time of plenty, here we are again, collecting things.  What is wrong with this picture?)
    If you haven't heard from your caller this week, please call Mary Ann Jensen at 756-7603 or Sue Roe at 792-4786.
See you soon,