Here we are already looking forward to our first cold front, thinking about Thanksgivng and the holidays to follow, and maybe worrying a little bit about what the all-powerful Florida Legislature will decide to do with our retirement fund now that there is no chance of a veto from the governor. I don't think they would get a veto from our new governor, but they do have enough votes to cancel any veto which he might sign. Scary? I think so.
Of course, just because most of our Florida House and some Senate members seemed to get on board with the anti-educator legislation last year does not mean that they cannot be reasoned with, nor do I think they are all committed to getting rid of the retirement fund. They will need to be written to and talked to, however, when such legislation is proposed. We will have to be prepared to jump in if need be. I think we also have a responsibility to help out our fellow educators who are still on the job or who are studying to become educators. The proposals to cut off insurance coverage to their dependents, to do away with tenure, and to grade teachers on the basis of student test scores will be brought up again in the next session. The public distrust of educators has been carefully nurtured by those who wish to see that kind of draconian legislation passed.
November 18th Meeting
On a more cheerful note, we are gearing up for our November meeting at Renaissance on 9th on Thursday, Nov. 18. Our speaker will be Nancy Glass of the Manatee Education Foundation. I hope to see most of you there.
If you have not heard from your caller by Nov. 13, please call me at 794-1646 to make a reservation. Remember that reservations must be made and that we must charge you if you do not show up. The 13th is the last day that you can cancel a reservation.
New Members
I plan to tell you a little about our new members each month this blog site.
Barb Kitzman
Barb taught at various high schools in the county. She is substituting now and enjoying it! How can that be? I think that Barb must really like high school age kids. She says she enjoys gambling and traveling. Probably one needs a little of the first in order to do the second these days.
Susan Darovec
Susan was a reading coach in a middle school for 4 years. She likes wood working (bowls, pens, and rolling pins), dancing, reading, and fishing. Just between us, I'll bet if her husband won't get out on the dance floor, she just gets out one of those rolling pins to encourage him. (Sorry Susan, but when I get a cheap shot like that I cannot stop myself).
Donna Falgiani
Donna was a vocational special education coordinator before she retired. She enjoys traveling, gardening, sewing, and going to the plays. She is a member of AAUW, St. Stephens Church, and the Italian American Club. I imagine she really enjoys the last group where no one stumbles over her musical name.
Next month, I will write more bios of new members.
Goodie Bags for Christmas
Remember that we are collecting items for goody bags for seniors at the Westminster Manor. We have done this for their shut-ins for years, and we could see no reason to stop even though we no longer meet there. Please bring small toiletries or other items that will fit into a small gift bag. No candy as their diets are carefully planned.
See you on the the 18th,