Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February, 2011

Everyone has to be really glad to be in Florida this winter although the traffic is wicked and going out to dinner impossible. And don't even think about going to Walmart! What are they giving away in there anyway? Have you been to the Red Barn Flea Market? I was there today to drop off some books for the AAUW book sale, and I had to park so far away that I needed to drop bread crumbs to find my way back. It looks as if the economy is rebounding a bit here, so it is all good.

I hope you were at the January meeting which was hosted by the Legacy Society of the Community Foundation. They chipped in part of our lunch fee so that we could hear their excellent speaker. He had an entertaining program with film clips from popular movies to illustrate his presentation. I believe we all learned something about the best way to manage our assests when we leave them to our loved ones. One of the highlights was a Clint Eastwood film where his grand daughter who is a brat covets his antique Grand Torino (film's title.) When the will is read, she is very disappointed. Dirty Harry rules!

I read an article in this morning's Manatee Herald about Rick Scott's plans for the Florida Retirement System. He wants to put all new hires on a 401(k) style retirement plan, reduce all current retirement accounts to 1.6 (what teachers already get), eliminate the DROP program, require all employees to pay 5% of their salaries to the FRS, and do away with the cost of living increase (COLA) to retirees.

Ironically, at the same time, he is pushing for lower state income taxes for corporations and lower school taxes. He says he plans to cut the state budget by $5 billion. He plans to unveil his complete budget at a Tea Party meeting in Eustis early next week. Uh huh.

Speaking of money, MCREA has really fallen short in donations for the scholarships which we award annually to local high school seniors who are planning careers in education. We have been able to finance three scholarships in the past, but this year, we will only be able to award one if we do not receive more donations from our members. We have not been doing fund raisers because members said they would rather contribute money than the time and work that goes into such projects. Please donate to the scholarship fund if you can. Elaine Brown will be happy to receive your checks by mail or at the next meeting.

Welcome to new members Faith Herring and Sue Gore. Faith's professional experience is a bit different from most of us. She was the department chair of nursing at MTI. Now should anyone feel a flutter of the heart or any other worrisome symptom at one of our meetings, we know we have someone to call upon. She and her husband, Red, also a school board retiree, are active in their church and watching Auburn University sports.

Sue Gore was a first grade reading coach. She enjoys retirement because she can pursue her interests of reading, knitting, crocheting, and MOTORCYCLE RIDING. Yes, that is what she wrote in her biographical notes. We MCREA people cannot be pigeon holed! I have more interesting tidbits to share about some other new members, so stay tuned.

Our meeting on Thursday, Feb. 17, at 11:30, at Renaissance on 9th, will feature a speaker whom you will all want to hear, Superintendent Tim McGonegal. I think we are all interested in the school board's plans to weather the cuts in funding. You may have questions for him. In addition, we will have a slate of officers to present for your consideration and to vote on in March. Please remember that we must have your reservations by Saturday, Feb. 13. If you cannot attend after making a reservation, Sunday is the last day that you can cancel or you will be billed.

Happy Valentines Day!

See you soon,