Monday, May 25, 2015

May 25, 20015 Wrapup for the year

     We had ninety members present for our May luncheon and meeting, a good number considering that many of us have left for cooler climes.  Our speaker was Christine
Nelson who gave us information on identity theft and ways to combat it.  If you would like more information on how to protect yourself you may call her at 941-376-0615 or email her at .  She was accompanied by Detective Adrian Meridan of the Bradenton Police Department who is a fraud and identity theft investigator.  Both stressed the need for everyone to be aware of the huge growth in fraud and identity theft along with the growth of the public's use of technology like the internet and cell phones.


 The tables were beautifully decorated for our "picnic" with beach toys and florals.  The fried chicken, baked beans, potato salad, and cookies were perfect for the theme and they tasted good too.

   Our MCREA Scholarship winners attended.  Here are Danielle Duida and her mother and Nola Berish with Scholarship Chair, Pat Griffin.

Danielle also won an FREA Scholarship, a really big deal, since the grant gets larger each year that she is in college and is still in education, keeping good grades.


 Danielle, Pat, and Nola

A highlight of the meeting was the installation of new officers for 2015-17.
Deborah Thomas performed the installation ceremony.  Patricia Edwards stood in for Nancy Erwin, Secretary, who could not attend.

Our New MCREA Officers
Ron Schneider, Acting Treasurer
Elaine Waldron, Membership Chair
Phyllis Omilak, First Vice President
Susan Roe, President
Judy Shostrom, Past President
Parliamentarian, Fay Murphy (not pictured)
    The Board selected September 3 for our new retiree reception which we are now naming " The New Retiree Meet and Greet".  It will be held at the Central Library at 10:30 and you are invited to attend with someone interested in joining MCREA. (All retirees do not join the first year of their freedom.)  Our first general meeting will be on September 13.  If there should be a change in meeting place, you will be informed.
    Ron Schneider is listed as "acting treasurer" because his term in office has finished, but he has agreed to carry on until a new treasurer is found.  Please consider taking over for Ron if you would like to do more for MCREA. 
    Have a great summer,


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

May, 2015

    May already?  Does it seem to you that time is going by faster and faster with each day we get older?  Remember when we couldn't wait to be through high school, then to graduate from college, and at last get on with our lives away from parental control?  It seemed to take forever to grow up.

    If you are like me the next phase was a bit quicker paced, a blur of work, raising children, keeping a home going, and paying bills.  There was some fun and some satisfaction in there too, of course.  But there were days when the school day seemed to drag, especially before a holiday.

    Then finally, the big day which we had dreamed about arrived-- retirement.  We collected our stuff and our last paycheck and went home to a quiet house with days of leisure stretching out before us.  That didn't last long.  Soon the responsibilities grew as we took on new tasks and tried to keep in shape with visits to the gym, traveled, or visited the multitude of special doctors that come along with the aging process.

    And time went nuts!  It flies along at break neck speed while we try to keep up the pace.  Is it a new dimension we have entered?  A kind of string theory jump into another space?  Or is it just that it takes longer to get things done when we have to think more than we used to about our next move.  I do that.  I don't just leap into action anymore. I consider the pros and cons of an action.  Sometimes a new situation occurs before I have dealt with the one I am still considering.  What's the hurry, I say as I trundle along trying to keep up. 

    But here we are in May already and I wasn't ready for the hot summer.  I haven't planned anything at all except to read all the new books that I have downloaded onto my Kindle.  Maybe that is enough for now.  I'll think about it later.

    You did it!  I sorted 209 lovely children's books by grade level and delivered them to FELT last week.  Now when those children receive their last back packs of the school year, 209 of them will also have a nice book to read as well.  It makes me sad to think that some of them who really depend on that food in those back packs will not be getting it all summer, but there are other programs which will be available that perhaps will fill in the gaps.  Please start gathering books for next year's distributions. 

    Have you seen the MCREA logo items?  Trophy and Sports World will put our logo on mugs and tee shirts when we drop in and order one.  You can even bring your own tee shirt if you have style you like.  We also have some car decals available which you can purchase at the May meeting. 

    David Brown is collecting items to sell at the FREA Conference.  He needs things worth $25 or more for the Dollars for Scholars store at the conference.  Other sales of smaller items are needed for the Country Store.  Home made goods like jams and jellies go well, also, gently used items like purses, music boxes, and other things which may be cluttering up your spaces.  All profits go the FREA Scholarship Fund.

    We will be installing our new officers at the May meeting.  The position of Treasurer is still open.  If you would like to support MCREA by taking on this position, please let Deborah Thomas know.  I think you would enjoy being a member of the Board of MCREA.  We do have fun and the work is divided up among us.  Ron Schneider has graciously volunteered to continue his duties until a new person is found.  It is important to know that this job does not require a lot of expertise in finance, since we do not have a lot of money to manage.  Alas!

    I hope to see you on Thursday, May 21, at Renaissance on 9th.  Remember to arrive around 11 for a quick check in and an opportunity to visit with your friends.  The theme of this meeting is "Summer".  We will be served picnic fare.  I will vouch for the picnic food at Renaissance.  The potato salad is outstanding.  Our program will be on Identity Theft presented by Christine Nelson.

As usual, call me or Judy Shostrom if you do not hear from your caller by the 16th.