Sunday, January 10, 2016

January, 2016

    The new years come so often now for me, that I can hardly pay much attention to them.  While 2015 was interesting and eventful, it was also speedy.  I guess life really picks up speed when going downhill.  Seriously though, I have given this some thought.  I have come to the conclusion that the phenomenon is probably due to the fact that at my age, very little seems new.  I don't mean that in a jaded or discouraged way.  After all, how many times can I watch a presidential race and not feel that I have seen it all before.  Of course, I have to admit that this time around the whole thing seems a little more crass and rude.  It was one thing to make fun of a candidate wearing an ill-fitting helmet and sitting in a tank or appearing on an aircraft carrier in a flight jacket announcing the end of a war which went on for years afterward.  But now, it is in-your-face ugliness, with a shot of racism, religious intolerance, and misogynism  spelled out before cheering audiences.

    Speaking of repetition, the Florida Legislature comes back into session next week.  We have been forewarned that our FRS will once again be under attack.  I hope you have written, emailed, or called Representatives Boyd and Steube as well as Senator Galvano about the pension fund and its strengths.  Yes, this is a repeat of all the other years, but we must keep our interests known.  The staffs count the letters and messages about issues.  Remember, we are known as a group that because of our ages and our educations, people who vote. We can't afford to lose this one.  Perhaps with the redistricting there will be a more representative body next time.

    If you are interested in attending the Big Cat Habitat experience on Thursday, Feb. 25, you will need to let Minnie Lee Jones know.  Admission is $15 for adults, and it is open from 2 until 4.  Minnie Lee has been offering us some very interesting events lately.  I know those of us who visited the Selby Gardens Christmas Event really enjoyed it.  Dinner at Der Dutchman was fun too.  We were all seated at a long table and we were served family style with mounds of mashed potatoes, veggies, beef and gravy and fried chicken to die for.  And pie, glorious pie.

    Jan. 18 is the last day to sign up for the FREA cruise.  Several of our members are going.  Ask David and Carolyn Brown for more information.

    Our December meeting was very festive.  Many of us came in our holiday finery as you can see from the enclosed pictures.  Everyone was as a cheerful and noisy as only a group of Neverland educators can be.  You know that we all suffer secretly from Peter Pan syndrome due to our years of living with children.  No Scrooges here.  The Keytones Quartet were handsome in their red, shiny vests and they sang carols well too.  We had our own chance to sing when they were gone, and we sounded great.  I still think we need an MCREA chorus.  Just think of the publicity we could get for our organization. 


    I hope to see you on Thursday, Jan. 21, at 11:00 a.m.  Sherry Emigh, Literary Council of Manatee County will speak on "Manatee Reads".  If you have not heard from your caller in the week preceding the meeting, Jan. 11-17, please call Sue Roe at 792-4786 or Mary Ann Jensen at 756-7603.

Happy New Year,