By now, many of you have "shuffled off to Buffalo" or North Carolina or wherever you go to escape the heat and humidity of summer in Florida. Alas, some of us are still here toughing it out. I would be in Maine if I weren't married to a Florida native who doesn't mind the heat and whom mosquitoes do not bite. Honest. We still hope to get up "home" in August for a couple of weeks of pine trees and cool nights sleeping under a blanket. Ahhh!
MCREA had a good year. We made the change from our old meeting area to the Renaissance on 9th. Most of us like the new venue. We had some interesting speakers and programs and we kept up with the insanity of Tallahassee even if we had no input into what they did there. I think some of the legislators and the governor are now beginning to reap what they have sown according to the latest polls of citizens around the state. Our own local legislators have heard from us about their lack of support for teachers and children. Perhaps they will think before they vote next year because we do represent lots of votes of people who do vote and who are not swayed by their media campaigns because we were there and we will remember what they did.
Our last meeting was fun with the installation of the new officers:
Deborah Thomas, President; Judy Shostrom, President Elect; David Bates, Secretary; Ron Schneider, Treasurer; and Susan Roe, Membership Chair. With such a talented and dedicated group at the helm, I am sure MCREA is on its way to a surge in membership and in importance in local educational circles.
At the last meeting, we tried out a craft day event. Several members brought in crafts and other items to sell. Everything sold well and we made a couple hundred dollars for next year's scholarships. It was an event that the Board may decide to reschedule.
Under the Chairmanship of Elaine Brown, MCREA was able to give four $1,000 scholarships to local high school grads planning to study education. It was your largess that pushed through the last two gifts, and we should all be proud of our contributions. Remember that those students who received the money were among the top students in Manatee County, so we have played a part in encouraging the best to become teachers. Alas, after many years as Chair, Elaine is taking a much needed rest. You have served us and the students of Manatee well, Elaine. We are all in your debt.
Our new President, Deborah, may call on some of you to assume a seat on some committees. Please accept if she does. Remember, if we all work together the load is lighter. If she does not ask you to serve, call her to volunteer. The committes are listed in the front of the Handbook and I am sure there is something there for everyone. As you know, organizations are so much more interesting when you play a part in making them successful.
Deborah has asked me to remind you that your dues for 2011-12 are due now. They are $50. Please write your checks to MCREA and mail them to
Ron Schneider, Treasurer
3802 Chinaberry Road
Bradenton, FL 34207.
If there have been any changes in your home address, email address, or phone number, please include that change with your check. If you have already paid your dues and there has been a change, please call me at 794-1646, or any of the new officers to let us know.
Sept. 8 New member reception 10-12 a.m.
Members are welcome and especially if you bring a prospective
Sept. 15 Thursday
Oct. 19 Wednesday *
Nov. 16 Wednesday *
Dec. 15 Thursday,
Jan. 19 Thursday
Feb. 16 Thursday
March 15 Thursday
April 19 Thursday
May 17 Thursday
*Please note that these two dates are on Wednesdays.
All of our meetings will begin at 11:30 at Renaissance on 9th. Lunch will be $10.
I hope that I will see you in September. If you have a friend who does not receive email, please let him or her know about what I write here. It is just too expensive to send out individual newsletters. If you have something that you would like to share with the membership, email me at I will be happy to pass information along.
See you in September.