Welcome back to MCREA. I hope you had an interesting summer with many opportunities to travel, engage in family and friends reunions, or to take advantage of the down time to read some good books. Of course, summer won't be over for us until the temperature drops in late October, but we still keep up the pretense that we have more than two seasons -- "hot" and "tourists". On the left is my orchid that grew to be so big, I had to move furniture. I owe it all to David Bates's MCREA lecture on growing orchids.
Your MCREA Board met this week, so I have information for you about upcoming events and new business. The first important date is the New Retirees Reception which will be held on Thursday, Sept. 8, from 10-11:30 a.m., at the Central Library downtown. Sue Roe, Membership Chair, has sent out invitations to all the retirees on the list which is provided by the school board. She has not had many RSVPs so far. We are hoping that you will help us out by calling your newly retired friends to remind them to attend. You may come also to break the ice or just to say hello and have some punch. (Judy Shostrom makes "killer" punch.)
On September 15 we will meet at Renaissance on 9th at 11:30. Our speaker will be Maria Hussey who will speak about the Life-Long Learning Classes offered by USF. I have received the new catalog and there seems to be something there for nearly everyone depending on his or her interests in literature, art, photography, science, history, math, or other subjects. Lunch is still $10 and reservations may be made with your caller. Mary Ann Jensen has taken on the chairmanship of the calling committee. Remember you must honor the reservation or be prepared to pay for it later. If you are not called, please call Deborah Thomas at 752-6895 before Sunday, Sept. 11.
Judy Shostrom, Program Chair, has listed the other programs:
Oct. 19 (Wednesday) Halloween Fun with Sandra Stephenson
Nov. 16 (Wednesday) Manatee Historical Places with Cathy Slusser
Dec. 15 The Bowery Boys Barbershop Quartet
Jan. 19 Lemur Conservation with Monica Mogilewsky
Feb. 16 Financial Information with Dan Kreig
Mar. 15 Nutrition and Exercise with Dr. Blend
April 19 UF Opportunities with Lisa Hickey
May 17 Ice Cream Social and Games
The MCREA Board discussed creating some guidelines to direct the distribution of materials at general meetings. Board members are concerned that sometimes members or guests hand brochures that have not been sanctioned by the board. In the future, if someone wishes to distribute materials to the membership, the distributor must first present the items to the MCREA President who will then bring them to the board for consideration. In the past, this action was not necessary, but since we have been gaining some public notice, we are a prime target of many non-profit organizations. Sadly, we cannot support every group, so we must make choices.
The Board then discussed the community organizations which it does support. MCREA has supported the Manatee County History Fair for several years with a $60 donation for a category of "History of Manatee County Education". We also support the Manatee County Education Foundation with a $100 check for grants to teachers in the county for their classroom use.
In the past, we have collected children's books for "Stand Down". The board has decided that the books might be put to better use by FELT (Feeding Little Empty Tummies), the group that gives children in grades K-5 in several schools backpacks with food items to hold them over the weekends. The numbers of homeless children in the school system grows each year, and books are probably not at the top of their parents' shopping lists. We can also donate food items that are packable like individual servings of oatmeal and cereal packs, fruit cups and raisins, soup cups, etc. Or if it is easier, checks made out to FELT are definitely welcome. Jane Evers who spearheads this effort has a warehouse to store the books which she plans to distribute at Christmas and at the end of the school year.
Of course, the major project for MCREA each year is supporting our scholarships in education. This year, with your generous support and the work of the Scholarship Committee headed by Elaine Brown, we were able to award four scholarships to Manatee County students planning to become educators. We will continue to have our 50/50 drawing each month and we may have some new ideas to raise the money and have fun doing it. I know we are all into fun. Right?
See you soon,