Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Manatee County Retired Educators Association

Could there be a better month than the one that contains Valentine's day, the only day of the year dedicated to love and friendship?  Who doesn't remember the thrill of seeing the teacher finally open that big box of valentines that our classmates had been stuffing with little envelopes.I know some of you taught in the elementary schools, and that you were the teachers who prepared the box and made sure that everyone got at least one valentine even if you had to sneak it in there yourself.  In later years, every child brought a valentine for each class member, but in the bad old days, one's popularity was immediately apparent when the cards were handed out.  We counted our "take" to check our standing in the class.  It was a bittersweet holiday sometimes.  Well, you are all my valentines, and I wish you lots of candy kisses and real ones too.

At our last meeting in January, we voted again about our lunch menu.  It seems that there have been many complaints that the lunches were too predictable, too small, and sometimes not to every one's tastes.  Deborah Thomas, Judy Shostrom, and I met with the Renaissance on 9th food services manager to see what could be done.  She said that the $10 which we were paying for lunch was a "bare bones" deal (no pun intended, I think).  For $15 we could have a hot entree, roll, salad, vegetable, dessert, iced tea, or coffee which would be served to us at our tables.  When Deborah brought that choice to a vote of the members present in January, they voted to accept the new price.  So, lunch will be $15 starting in February.  Also, if members have dietary needs such as gluten-free, vegetarian, or other, the chef will accommodate those needs.  Be sure to tell your caller if you require a special meal.

At Christmas time, Carolyn and David Brown took 80 goody bags to Westminster that they had made up from our donations at the  December meeting.  The staff of the nursing home was thrilled with the large number since there had been fewer donations for Christmas from the usual donors. There were even some items left over for future use.  

Jane Evers, of FELT was able to tuck a book into each child's backpack as he or she left for Christmas break.  She also tried to give them extra food and a toy or a candy treat.  She believes she has enough books now to take care of the end of the year backpacks, but food items are always welcome.  She likes small, individually wrapped things like packets of soup, crackers, fruit bowls, and other items of that nature.  Remember, regular sized cans and larger items might tip a little kid over backward.  I will transport any items that you bring to a meeting to the Evers house.

The Scholarship Committee has distributed the applications for the FREF Scholarships to the 7 local high schools.  We will meet again on February 6 to evaluate any that are returned, arrange to interview candidates who are deemed viable by the committee, and forward the applications to FREF.

Our own MCREA Scholarship applications will be distributed during the week after our meeting.  They are due to be returned to us in April.  In January, we had enough money in the scholarship fund to pay for one scholarship of $1000.  I believe that we will have a second one paid for by the February meeting.  If you would like to contribute to the MCREA Scholarship Fund, please bring your check to the next meeting or send it to Ron Schneider, MCREA Treasurer.  The Scholarship Committee members are Julia Forkgen and I (co-chairs), Terry and Joan McDonald, Barbara Kitzman, Janice Ritchie, and Ann Moran.  

Speaking of scholarships, FREF has sent us chances to sell to help finance their scholarship program.  As you probably know, their awards are quite large and very much sought after by the brightest students in Florida who plan to major in education.  We donate $3.00 of each member's dues to that program.  FREF also sells $10 chances on some exciting prizes. The scholarship committe will have them for sale at our meetings.  This year's prizes are the following:
Grand Prize    IPad2  (valued at $600)
Ist Prize          3 day cruise to the Caribbean for 2 (valued at $600)
2nd Prize        32" HDTV (valued at $250)
3rd Prize        Visa gift card (value of $100)
If you cannot make it to a meeting but would like to buy a ticket or two, please send a check to me made out to FREF,  Your canceled check is your receipt.  The winning names will be drawn at the FREA State Assembly, May 30-June 4, at the Lake Buena Vista Hilton.  You do not have to be present to win.  If you are interested in attending the assembly, we will have more information about signing up later.

We were pleased to welcome three Manatee County School Board Members as our guests at the January meeting.  Barbara Harvey, Robert Gause, and Karen Carpenter accepted our invitations and even stayed to hear the speaker.  Looking around the room, I thought about what an experienced, dynamic, and educated group we are.  I was so proud to be a member of MCREA that day as we saluted the flag and sang "God Bless American" with gusto, heard a thoughtful and entertaining reading from Connie Myers, were led through the rather complicated agenda by Deborah Thomas, and then learned about the Lemur Conservatory in Myakka. 

 It was very interesting and fun, but it was all that experience in educating students that really got me thinking.  We hold the keys to stellar curriculum ideas, to innovative classroom management techniques, and to methods for reaching students who have a myriad of difficulties in learning.  We often share those ideas with each other, and many of us are still harboring a box or two full of stuff that we just can't bring ourselves to throw out because the contents are too precious.  Yes, I still have a stack of stuff that I keep after 15 years of retirement, but no one ever comes to ask for it, even though I know it would be particularly useful.

I have a suggestion for you.  Could we not as a group produce a collection of educational strategies which would serve teachers and students well?  I am thinking about great learning schemes that really worked for you or particular classroom management techniques that made teaching so much easier.

If this is an interesting propostion to you, please let me know.  I volunteer to get the ball rolling by processing any items you share with me and to set up some kind of format to edit and to publish.  I will definitely need help with this project if it takes off, but it is too early right now to establish a committee, etc.  As I said, let me know what you think or share something.  Please call, email, write, or bring your ideas to our February meeting.

On February 16, we will meet at 11:30, at Renaissance on 9th.  The speaker will be Dan Kreig who speak about financial planning in this turbulent time. Remember that lunch will be $15.  If your caller has not gotten in touch by February 12, call Mary Ann Jensen for reservations.

See you soon,

Saturday, January 7, 2012

January 2012

Hi MCREAers,

It was a lovely party with sugar plums, carols, and the Bowery Boys Barber Shop Quartet to entertain us. No serious business was done in keeping with the celebration. There was some consternation about the small lunch portions served by Renaissance on 9th. Deborah Thomas, Judy Shostrum, and I are meeting with the events person there to discuss our concerns. We will have information for you when we meet this month.

Thank you to everyone who brought in crafts and food items to sell. One member who shall remain nameless told me that she was so happy to buy all those lovely decorated cookies. She planned to have them ready for her college student who will be so impressed with her baking efforts.

We will have a report for you about the amount of money we made with our sale to support MCREA scholarships. Scholarship donations have begun to trickle in. We are grateful to Elaine Graham, Phyllis Boles, and Johncyna MacRae (Deborah Thomas's sister) for their generous contributions. Now we need to hear from more of you in order to present at least one $1000 scholarship as required by our Bylaws. Last year we actually were able to present four of them. It is important to remember that these awards go to students who plan to become educators. We hope that their experiences in the field will be much better by the time they enter it. The latest projected bills in the Legislature, if they are passed, will continue to hurt educators and public education in Florida Be active by writing letters, sending emails to legislators, and speaking up to everyone who will listen about the perilous situation in public education today.

There have been changes in the Scholarship Committee. Juanine Lowery has resigned and last year we lost Leon Trumbull. Taking his place is Joan McDonald who joins her husband, Terry, on the committee. Julia Forkgen and I are co-chairing. Deborah Thomas is also joining us in this important effort. Barbara Kitzman will still ask you to donate to the 50/50 collection at our meetings. If you have an interest in joining us on the Scholarship Committee, please call, email, or see Julia or me to sign on. We are trying to streamline the work to make it a joy rather than a chore.

Nancy Porter, one of our new members, was left out of the MCREA Handbook. Her address is 4611 8th. St. Ct. East, Ellenton, FL 34222. Her email is mspork@aol.com, and her phone number is 729-2820, cell 812-1553. You can add her information to your book. I am sure that some others have also been omitted. If you are one of those, please send me your information and I will send it on to the members. If you haven't received your Handbook, you can pick it up from David Brown at our next meeting or get in touch with him at 722-7390.

Jane Evers of FELT said she had enough books to include one in each of the children's backpacks as they left for Christmas vacation. She said they gave each child extra food and a Christmas item as well. Of course, the need continues and contributions of small packages of food and books are still being accepted. If you bring them to the meetings, I will get them to Jane. I had a trunk full of stuff for her after the December meeting which she was happy to receive. Those donations will help with the January backpacks.

We have invited the Manatee County School Board members to our January meeting. At this time, three of them have accepted our invitations. We are quite anxious to show them that retired educators are still active and interested in the success of the Manatee County Schools. I hope that lots of us will be there to demonstrate our numbers and our enthusiasm.

We meet on Thursday, January 19, at 11:30 A.M., at Renaissance on 9th. Our speaker will be Monica Mogilewsky who works with the Lemur Conservation team. They may be saving the little animals from extinction because their natural habitat is being changed so much by industry and expansion.

If your caller does not get in touch with you in the week before the meeting, please call Mary Ann Jensen at 756-7603 to make a reservation. If you cannot attend and you have made a reservation, be sure to call her to cancel on or before Saturday, January 14.

Happy New Year,
