Springtime in Cortez brings out the crab traps, buoys, and fish boxes. This house is on the waterfront and although it looks picturesque (messy) to most of us, it is a practical solution to saving equipment until it is needed. Actually, this house was featured in the Gwenyth Paltrow/Ethan Hawk film of Great Expectations which was filmed in Cortez several years ago. The first scenes were made in Cortez and at the Ringling Mansion. You might enjoy renting it sometime. The rest of the film goes downhill from there, so don't blame me if you don't care for that part.
Renewals of your MCREA dues can be made now for the 2012-2013 year. Paying early saves us sending you reminders later on during the summer. Dues are $50 ( $20 local and $30 state). LIfetime members do not have to pay state dues, so they pay only the $20 for local.
Remember that FELT is still feeding all those little kids in elementary school. They have added three more schools and so the need is even greater. If you bring food to our meeting, I will make sure it gets to Jane Evers. She does not need any more books this year, I think. But if she should, she will let me know.
Our local scholarships have been distributed to the schools by the Scholarship Committee members. We should be receiving some of them soon. At our last meeting, we had enough funding for two $1000 scholarships. I hope we will have enough for three soon. College has become increasingly expensive and smart students really need our help. If you haven't contributed yet, please give your check to me or to Ron Schneider soon. We are counting on your stepping up as you always have to pay for these awards to students who plan to become educators.
FREF tickets are still on sale. The Scholarship Committee will have them for you at our March meeting. They are $10 each and give you a chance to win some great prizes like a cruise or a new IPad. See us for more information and to purchase a ticket.
Our next meeting is at 11:30 A.M., at Renaissance on 9th, on March 15. Dr. Blend will speak to us about nutrition and exercise for seniors. Remember that lunch is $15. If you haven't been called, please let Mary Ann Jensen know. Her phone number is 756-7603.
I am going to close with the list of members and others who have contributed to the MCREA scholarship fund. I hope I can add your name soon.
Barbara Harvey
Elaine Brown
Ellen Bell
Elaine Graham
Pearl Smith
Ann Bewley
Michael and Carole Sicard
Marilyn Whatley
Nancy Carson
Freedom Elementary School in memory of Jane Narmore
Judy Shostrom
Laurene Powell in memory of Mary Fitzgerald, Mary Jo Morris, and Jean Narmore
Deborah Thomas
Johncyna MacRae
Terrence MacDonald
Joan MacDonald
Mary Ann Jensen
Connie Meyers
Phyllis Boles
Sarah Beard
Carolyn Roberts
B.D. Brigod in memory of Jean Narmore
Mary Westendick
Brenda and Larry Taylor in memory of Jean Narmore
If you have contributed and your name does not appear on the list, I probably have not received your check from Ron Schneider yet. I will update this as soon as I have your names.
See you Thursday, the 15th.