Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 2013

Hello MCREA friends,

    Since I have not been able to get to a meeting for several months, I haven't taken any pictures.  This one is courtesy of Deborah Thomas from the December meeting.  I think everyone looks very festive and we can remember that lovely season.

    Sadly, I will not be with you again this month.  My daughter has finished the fifth session of her chemotherapy at Moffitt and has one more coming the last week of February.  I dare not join any large gatherings because of the threat of catching a cold which I would then probably give to her since I am taking care of her.  I haven't been to a movie in months!  Maybe by April I can return to MCREA.

    In the meantime, Julia Forkgen has been carrying on as the sole chair of the scholarship committee.  The members met and chose an application to send to FREF.  If you remember, our applicant won a scholarship last year.  It is a generous amount of money to help throughout the student's years in college.  I hope you are all contributing to the FREF through your purchase of door prize tickets at the meetings. 

The MCREA Scholarship applications have been mailed to the high schools.  Those applications will not be reviewed until April by our committee.  Again, we are hoping for some excellent applicants.  These scholarships are supported by donations from you, so I hope you have remembered to send one to our Treasurer or to bring one to a meeting.

MCREA meets on Thursday, Feb. 21, at 11:00, at Renaissance on 9th.  The program will be exciting since it is from the Dramatures of the Manatee Players.  There will also be an opportunity for you to participate in a "Sweet Memories of the Classroom" sharing time.  You might think about that to perhaps pull at our heart strings with your lovely story.  It is Valentine's month after all.

We are still supporting the Manatee County Food Bank, FELT, and a local nursing home.  Donations of money, food, children's books, small toiletries, socks, sweaters, etc. are always in order.  Johncyna MacRae is asking for help reading books to children at Williams Elementary.  As you know, the school is named for Deborah Thomas's and Johncyna's mother, a greatly respected educator in Manatee County.
We do not have all the details yet, but Johncyna will let you know when the event is set.

As usual, if you do not hear from your caller, let Mary Ann Jensen know by Sunday, the week of the meeting.  I hope you have a warm and loving Valentine's Day even if you have to go out and buy those flowers and candy yourself.  You deserve them.
