Hello Everyone,
I am finally getting back into the groove since my daughter's chemotherapy treatments at Moffitt have ended and she is getting stronger every day. So far, so good.
The pictures I have posted are from the February meeting and were sent to me by Minnie Jones. The first is of an attentive group listening to the "Dramatures" from the Manatee Players. I hear they were very entertaining. The second is picture is of Terrence and Joan McDonald, hard working members of the Scholarship Committee.
The third is of President Deborah Thomas and telephone committee member and general "jane-of-all-trades",Connie Myers.
The last picture of is our dear member, Veronica Orbaker, whom we lost this winter. She is with her daughter, Nancy Porter. I took the photo at an AAUW meeting luncheon in 2010.
Nominations for New Officers
Deborah Thomas and her MCREA Board are finishing up their two year term in May, so the nominating committee chair, Mary Ann Jensen, submitted the names of members who will carry on the duties of the organization. New officers include: Judy Shostrom, President; Susan Roe, 1st Vice President; Tommy Thompson, 2nd Vice President; Nancy Erwin, Secretary; and Ron Schneider, Treasurer. The slate of new officers will be presented at the March meeting for your vote. Installation of officers will be at the May meeting.
MCREA Scholarship Committee
Applications for the MCREA Scholarships must be mailed by April 8, and the Scholarship Committee will meet the following week to award them. Donations are still being gratefully accepted for our scholarship fund. Last year, we awarded two $1000 scholarships to some very grateful and outstanding students. This year, we plan to award $500 to each recipient and then to follow up later, when they have completed their first two years and have chosen their fields of study, with another $500 if the funds are available.
FREA Scholarships
FREA contacted me recently to inform us that Tayler Liles, a recipient of the FREA Scholarship last year, will receive her second FREA Scholarship of $750. I hope you saw Tayler when she visited us last year. She received $500 from FREA then and $1000 from MCREA. We are very proud of her for doing so well in her first year in college. She is a graduate of Palmetto High School and attends the University of Florida. Remember that donations in the form of door prize tickets will be offered at our meetings raise money for the FREA Scholarship Fund.
April Meeting
MCREA will meet on Thursday, April 18, at 11:00, at Renaissance on 9th. There will be a memorial for the members we have lost in the months since last April. A speaker from AAA (that's three A's, not two) will inform us about planning some trips for summertime fun. As usual, if you do not hear from your caller in the week preceding the meeting, please call Mary Ann Jensen to make a reservation.
FELT and Manatee County Food Bank
For those of us who realize more and more how lucky we are to have comfortable lives, there are always opportunities to share with others who are not so comfortable. We are still collecting food and books for Feeding Empty Little Tummies and for the Manatee County Food Bank. Even though the economy is getting a little better, there are still people who need our help.
I hope to see you at the meeting this month.