MARCH 2014
You know it is March if you have tried to venture out for shopping, dining, or visiting points of interest. There were already 300 people ahead of you and if you paused a minute, 300 people behind you. Still, they do bring much needed money to the county coffers. We can bear it until Easter, can't we? After all, we can sun in our own yards, take walks away from the busiest highways, rent Netflix, and just stay home. Those poor babies have to return to the icy, barren tundra from which they came. (My spell checker swears there is no such word as "tundra". It must be one of those words which will be dropped from the new SAT.)
Attendance at our February meeting was excellent as usual. Membership numbers are rising which makes coming to meetings more fun for everyone. Speaking of membership, renewal forms are now available for 2014-15. Pick one up and renew your membership when you come to the meeting on March 20. If we can get those memberships in earlier, perhaps we can get the yearbooks out sooner in the fall. Next year, we are aiming for October, so those who have not renewed by Oct. 1, will not be listed in the yearbook. Please check your listing for this year to be sure that your email, address, phone, etc. are correct. If not, give your corrections to David Brown soon, soon, soon. It would be a good idea to drop off or send any email changes, when they happen, to me as well if you want to continue receiving this blog.
Lt. Esterbrook of the Manatee County Sherrif's Dept. spoke to us about safety at our February meeting. I believe I was talking when he was introduced or otherwise not paying attention, so perhaps it was not Lt. E. after all but a great substitute. Forgive my lapse which I am blaming on my advanced age. (If you don't believe that excuse, I refer you to the above photo to prove it.) Anyway, his picture, the policeman's, appears at the top of the photos. He was very amusing even while speaking about such a serious subject. Among the suggestions he gave us:
- Get rid of the big purse. Carry your credit card, license, etc. in your pocket. Do not hang your bag around your neck for obvious reasons. Muggers drive through parking lots, lean out, and grab purses.
- Travel in twos. Going to the mall alone is just too dangerous. Husbands should accompany wives grocery shopping too. (I think I would rather be mugged.) At Publix, let them help you out with your groceries so you will not be alone.
- Put a pair of size 13 work boots you purchased from Goodwill out on your doorstep. Take your car keys to bed with you so you can activate the car alarm if you hear a prowler. Lock your car when you pump gas.
There were many more and lots of jokes. See what you missed?
We are still accepting scholarship donations if you have not already made one. Your check can be given to Ron Schneider at a meeting or mailed to him. He will direct it to the scholarship fund.
The FREF Scholarship Gala is also underway. To be eligible for one of the great door prizes, you must purchase a ticket for $10. You do not need to be present to win. Our members who are attending the FREA Conference will be happy to bring your prize home to you. Several years ago, Trish Bissell won a television and she got it! MCREAers can be trusted.
I graded all the books you donated and took them to Bill Evers to be sent out with FELT backpacks at spring break. He is carrying on Jane's work and urged me to ask you for more snacks for the children and more books. Jane was all about feeding hungry kids but she was also all about reading. An avid reader herself, she knew how much joy there is in being able to escape with a good story as well as to score well on the SAT. Good readers do both of those things. Here I am preaching to the choir again. Let's find those kids some good books to catch their imaginations. If you visit the main library downtown, there is a second hand book shop available. I have picked up some great children's books there. Also, of course, the Good Will Bookstore in Tara is a wonderful source, not just for kids, but for you too.
We are also still collecting for the Manatee County Food Bank. If we all bring a little, it counts up to a lot.
I forwarded Minnie Lee's list of events which she has organized for us. She has worked so hard on this project and with great results.
Our March meeting is at Renaissance on 9th, 11:00 a.m., March 20. Samantha Kennedy of the Florida Extension Service will be our speaker. If you do not hear from your caller during the previous week, call Mary Ann Jensen 756-7603 to make a reservation. Please hunt down those name tags and wear them. Few of us are still good at remembering names. The file for that kind of information got filled up by students' names years ago. If we see each others' names hanging from our necks meeting after meeting, there is some hope that we will remember them. Maybe. But at least we won't be stumbling around trying to recall names instead of having good meaningful or meaningless conversations.
See you soon,