April 2014
I agree with Shakespeare that "April is the cruelest month". I think he was considering an affair of the heart when he wrote that, but for educators, the remark describes the actions of the Florida Legislature. You are probably, like me, constantly shocked at their complete disregard for kids and teachers as they scorch the earth to fulfill their own personal agendas. Meanwhile, we citizens of Florida have to become more and more cynical about our representation which seems to have nested firmly in the pockets of companies that set up private schools, moneyed interests who wish to kill labor unions like FEA and, as a consequence, FREA, and our pensions. Never mind that research shows that public schools do a better job of teaching all students. Forget that the concept of schooling for every child is the way to insure that all learn about our democracy.
Red herrings are thrown around with abandon in Tallahassee. The politicians use their own brand of religion (or that which will please some constituents), crazy gun laws, their disregard of and disdain for the poor and underemployed, and their desire to create a voucher system for schools which will eventually spell the end of public education.. They are cheered along by the Chamber of Commerce whose members do not wish to increase salaries for their workers, the NRA, and those pseudo-educational companies which are anxious to set up cheaply run private schools.
Well, I did go on, didn't I? I hope you are writing emails to those sell-outs. (I can not rightfully call them legislators.) Only at the ballot box can we straighten out this mess. And with the money pouring in to support them with vile television ads that distort and lie and wave those red herrings, it will be an uphill battle all the way.
On a lighter note, Dr. Mona Jain was honored by Gamma Zeta Chapter, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. on March 15th as Woman of the Year for her community service and commitment to youth and non-traditional students in Manatee and Sarasota Counties. Elaine Brown and Johncyna McRae are members of the Sorority. Dr. Jain, Elaine Brown, and Johncyna McRae are all members of MCREA.
Debra Thomas says there is a great need for tutors at the Adult Education Center of the Manatee Technical Institute. Many of the present tutors are winter visitors who will be returning home soon.
If you are interested in volunteering for an hour or so a week, call Olga Rodriquez, Volunteer Coordinator, Adult Ed. Center, MTI. Her number is 941-209-6800, Ext. 2244. You may want to talk to Deborah for more information.
Now for some housekeeping duties. Please do not forget to feed the tax bag on your table at our monthly meeting. If you recall, we do not want to charge more to take care of the sales taxes which Renaissance must collect on our lunches. Next, please pick up a membership renewal form at the next meeting. You can fill it out at the meeting, turn it in to Ron Schneider, and save a stamp. Doing it now will save the membership chair hours on the phone reminding you during the summer. We have made a new policy that anyone who has not renewed by the first of October will not be listed in the directory. We plan to get the directory out in November next fall. If you have any changes to make to your listing, be sure to give them to David Brown who is updating the information.
The Sheriff Dept. Officer who spoke at our February meeting was Alan Fifield. He was very entertaining and he left us with some thoughts on how to protect our safety at home and on the road. He certainly deserved to named correctly.
If you have not bought your ticket for a door prize at the FREA Conference in St. Augustine in May, time is ticking by. The prizes are great as usual: a Visa gift card of $500, an HDTV, an iPad Mini, $150 in cash, and $100 in cash. Remember, the proceeds support the FREF Scholarships. We have two students currently collecting yearly stipends from those funds.
Julia Forkgen, MCREA Scholarship Chair, is collecting applications from high school seniors for the MCREA Scholarship. Your contributions have been generous this year. Thank you. The Scholarship Committee will meet this month to read through the applications and select the winners.
We will meet at 11:30 at Renaissance on 9th, on Thursday, April 17th. Fay Murphy, FREA State Director and member of our group, will bring us information about FREA and its role in Tallahassee. Fay is well-versed in the actions of the legislative bodies and in FREA's work bringing reason to their follies. If you do not hear from your caller, please call Mary Ann Jensen to make a reservation, 941-756-7603.
See you soon,