I am so glad that the New Hampshire Primaries are over. Seriously, slippery politicians and all that snow really left me cold. It is hard enough to keep up with our own home grown politicians in the state government who are very busy this year with bills to allow guns on college campuses and open carry of guns anywhere. Well, anywhere except the Florida House and Senate where everyone must pass through a metal detector before entering the building.
There has been no news about the House's desire to get rid of the Florida Retirement System. They are very busy passing bills that would allow charter schools to get more state funds, and one bill that even takes away the oversight of the county school boards over charter schools, giving that control to the state. Today, I was horrified to read that there is a bill proposed that would allow students school choice in not only their own county schools, but in those of other counties. Another proposes that athletes who transfer to a new school would be able to jump right into the athletic program in the new school, leaving the door open to big time recruiting. Another bill says that teachers would be required to include in their lesson plans, which must be shared with parents, any item that might be considered controversial or improper. One wonders what local school boards will do when all of their responsibilities are usurped by the state.
Once again, here are the email addresses of our local representatives:
Rep. Jim Boyd
Phone: (850) 717-5071
email: jim.boyd@myfloridahouse.gov
Rep. Gregory Steube
Phone: (850) 717-5073
email: greg.steube@myfloridahouse.gov
Sen. Bill Galvano
Phone: (850) 487-5026
email: galvano.bill.web@flsenate.gov
Calling and emailing these men will give them your opinion. Perhaps it will not be enough to let them know how we feel, but there is always the ballot box.
Minnie Lee Jones must have your name by Feb. 18 if you plan to attend the trip to the Big Cat Habitat. Call her at 739-2250 or email her at vat22@aol.com You will be on your own to arrange a car pool. Tickets are $15 at the gate.
In January, our speaker, Marilyn Cox discussed the Manatee Reads program. She described some of her teaching experiences working with adult students
on literacy. She is especially interested in recruiting retired educators as tutors.
Please remember to check your files for children's books to give to FELT (Feeding Empty Little Tummies). I have recently discovered that they are now providing Friday back packs with food to two middle schools. So, books for older students are now needed.
We are still collecting food for the Manatee Food Bank. We are also collecting toiletries and other useful items for the Salvation Army Shelter and the One Stop Center. It must be very tough for homeless now in winter.
February 18 at 11 a.m. at the Renaissance on 9th is our next meeting. Our speaker will be Bill Clark who will discuss "News from Tallahassee". This sounds like one we all need to hear.
If you do not hear from your caller by Saturday, Feb. 13, call Sue Roe, 792-4786, to make a reservation.
See you soon,