Thursday, January 5, 2017

January, 2017

    Have you written your first incorrectly dated check yet?  It takes a good deal of determination and concentration to come to grips with 2017.  The world as we knew it is changing ever faster each year.  I think it isn't necessarily arthritis that causes my stiff neck; it's the constant twisting it from one side to another trying to keep up.  Oh well, so far I have been able to find my way home when I go out.  That's a small achievement, I know, but it's all I have.  Seriously, I want to wish you all a great year with only a modicum of problems that can be easily remedied.

  A sad note for long time members is the death at 90 of Alice Sutton.  She was a choral teacher at Southeast High School for over 30 years.  Alice was a native daughter of Palmetto, and a member of MCREA until she had to give up driving.  I remember her well when I worked at SEHS.  She was beloved by her chorus members, especially the girls.  Her visitation is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 6, at 6-8 p.m., Griffith-Cline Funeral Home, 720 Manatee Ave. W., Bradenton.  Her funeral will be there also at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 7.

    77 members and guests attended the Dec. meeting. Most were in some kind of holiday attire and all were in holiday spirits: not a bah humbug to been heard.  The Bay Chorale sang with Fay Murphy, Mary Ann Jensen, and I joining in.  We loved it, and we hope the audience did too.

    The pictures are rather dark this month.  I think either Renaissance is saving on electricity or they were attempting to produce a romantic atmosphere.  Sorry, next time I will make sure the flash is on.
    The FREF Extravaganza tickets go on sale this month for $10 each.  Prizes for those participating are listed:
$100 to one winner in each district (so every district wins something)
$500 for first prize
$300 for second prize
$200 for third prize.
The proceeds from the Extravaganza support the FREF Scholarships.  Recipients receive $1000 for each year of their undergraduate degree program in education. Graduates of Manatee County Schools have won the award several times.  Meanwhile donations to the MCREA Scholarship Fund are welcome.  Our 50/50 drawing also supports the local scholarships.
    We have enjoyed the lovely table decorations at our luncheons this year.  Thank you to those who have volunteered to create them.  The following are the committees for each of the next months.
January        Pam Helman, Pat Watkins, Laura Moran, Peggy Gardiner
February      Carol Chapman, Nancy Erwin, Lee Ritchie, Diane Loyer, Freda Martin,
                     Patty Edwards
March          Suzanne Willever
April            Mac Aldrich, Dick Andrews, Bruce Deitch
We still need some volunteers to work with Suzanne in March.  May is also open.  If you will help, please sign up at our Jan. meeting.
    Our January meeting is on the 19th at 11:00.  Please come early and enjoy the conversations.  The speaker will be Patricia Henderson, Outreach Manager and Community Liason, Senior Connection Center, Inc.  Her topic is "Elder Abuse, Fraud and Scams."
    As usual, if you do not hear from your caller by Friday, the 13th, please call Sue Roe at 792-4786 or Mary Ann Jensen at 756-7603.
See you on the 19th,