Are you also caught up in this real world, 24 hour soap opera where the actions of politicians -- controversial, heroic, underhanded, quick-thinking, shrewd-- create a world of puffery alongside real-life mayhem? Who needs the usual television fare or even literary fiction when the news is so much more explosive and exciting? And the outcomes could be earth changing.
The March meeting had 90 people attending. Cindy Tanner from the Blake Medical Trauma Center spoke to us about the center and how it functions. Although none of wishes to have to make use of the center, it is good to know more about it.
Deborah Thomas, Chair of the 5th Grade Writing Contest, announced the 2007 winner: Caitlyn Salerno from Gullet Elementary School. Her essay is titled, "Stuck in a Thunderstorm with Grandma", and her teacher is Karin Byrne. Caitlyn will receive a $25 gift card from Books a Million, and Ms. Byrne's class will receive a $25 gift card as well. The essay will be forwarded to FREA to compete in the state contest. Honorable mention went to Kaleb Rouse, also from Gullet. He will receive a $10 gift card.
Vilena Moore has moved to Water's Edge. She attended our March meeting and is doing well. Elaine Brown, a long-time member and MCREA Scholarship Chair for many years, celebrated her 85th birthday with family and friends on Saturday, April 8th.
Nominating Committee Chair, Judy Shostrom, announced the nominated slate of officers for 2017-19 which was accepted unanimously by the members present. The slate includes: Phyllis Omilak, President; Brenda Osborne, First Vice President/President Elect: Elaine Waldron, Second Vice President; Nancy Erwin, Secretary; Judy Bodner, Treasurer; Susan Roe, Past President; and Fay Murphy, Parliamentarian.
Rick Kerby, Artistic Director of the Manatee Performing Arts Center, will be the speaker at our April 20th meeting. I hope to see you there. As usual, if you do not hear from your caller during the week before the meeting, please call Mary Ann Jensen, 756-7603 or Sue Roe, 792-4786.
See you soon,