I have found that I appreciate my decorating efforts more than anyone else does, so I spend lots of time just enjoying looking at them. When there were little ones around, they loved the colors, scents, and promise of Christmas. Remember how their eyes would shine as they contemplated the tree and Santa's visit. Who loves the story of the Nativity or of Hanukkah more than a child? If we can believe again as a child believes, what joy there is waiting for us.
Our November program was outstanding. Sandra Ford, Director of Food Services for the Manatee Schools brought us up to date on the tremendous responsibilities of the staff that feeds the children breakfast, lunch, and now at some schools, dinner. Some of the statistics were incredible. To begin with, 49% of Manatee County students are on the free or reduced lunch program. 35,000 students are served lunch each day. The staff has served 5,000,000 lunches and breakfasts each year, with an 80% participation level.
Several questions from members were fielded by Ms. Ford. When she asked us what we remembered as our favorite lunch items, many replied the rolls. Unfortunately, she told, bread making had become too expensive, time consuming, and worst of all -- the bakers had all retired. It seems that baking bread is no longer a practiced skill. I have heard it described as the female equivalent of plowing the back forty. Still, those rolls were so good!
Sandra Ford
We are making a final request for donations to our local MCREA Scholarship. In January, we will be distributing the FREF Extravaganza donation material, so we would like to wrap up the MCREA fund raising this month. Of course, we will always accept donations at any time in the year, but we are trying not to overburden you with monetary appeals. Make a check out to MCREA Scholarship and give it or send it to Treasurer Ron Schneider. 'Nuff said.
Our December meeting is on the 19th. Please try to arrive as soon as 11:00 as possible. We have had great attendance and to avoid standing in a line to pay for your lunch while you want to be seeing your friends, come early. Renaissance on 9th is the place and lunch is $15. Our program this month will feature a chorus from Southeast High School. This would be a good time to bring a prospective member or a guest. To make a reservation for a guest or to make one for yourself if you did not hear from your caller, Mary Ann Jensen will help you at 756-7603.
See you there,
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