Our second meeting at IMG Golf and Country Club was well attended. 82 signed up and I think there were even more there.
These past weeks have been difficult ones for all of us in education, especially in Florida. I know we were all very distressed by the events at Stoneham Douglas High School, so distressed that I have heard from several of you that sleeping has become difficult and that you are experiencing other forms of anxiety. We know how important each one of those lost kids was, not just to their families and friends, but to the larger community. Who knows what they might have become and what they might have contributed to the world?
The Florida Legislature has reacted in the ways we could have expected. They dither and worry about their grades from the NRA. Their most prominent plan is to arm teachers. We the ones who encourage and elicit learning will now be asked to kill. Madness, but cheaper than adding more mental health counselors and facilities. Additional police on the school premises are also planned.
Today, in the Bradenton Herald, there was a photo of a new resource officer patrolling the fence line at Prine Elementary School. Imagine the scenario: a shooter armed with an assault rifle waits until the policeman passes by, then shoots him with his rapid firing weapon designed to kill people. Or, if the shooter misses, the officer draws his revolver and is shot head on. I guess that is when the armed teachers would spring to the rescue and probably go down in the next rounds of gunfire from that highly efficient weapon.
Meanwhile in Tallahassee, the Legislature is about to pass a bill to get rid of FEA. Heroic teachers do not require representation to negotiate their salaries or their working conditions. If MEA would survive, there must be at least 50% of those eligible for membership in the county who have paid their dues. When I was a member, we seldom had 50% membership, as surprising as that seemed. I guess the others would have been willing to let the school board decide the salary and work conditions for the employees with no input from the employees. And that is what will probably happen if the legislation passes. Oh, also, kids who are bullied can apply for vouchers to private schools. Private Schools! No one ever bullies anyone there, I guess. And what constitutes bullying? Guide lines for receiving a voucher are not available. They'll think of those later.
Okay, rant is over.
Joel Hornes, Guardian Ad Litem, discussed his organization. He asked us to consider volunteering for working with the children who have been removed from their families or who are being returned and must be monitored. He felt that educators (heroes) like us would be most able to do the job. Perhaps it wasn't the best time to approach us for help, but some of you might consider doing this important service. According to Hornes, Guardian Ad Litems get a lot of respect and are listened to in the court and in the community
We have 50 more lovely books to send to Ballard Elementary School. Connie Myers has volunteered to take them. I believe I have 50 more for another school. We will discuss the site at our board meeting. If you have a school in mind and you would like to deliver a box of books there, please let any member of the board know. In the meantime, keep those books coming in. You have done a great job.
The MCREA Board has decided to discontinue the drive for food items for the Food Bank. It is very difficult to get them to the pickup point now that we are not at Renaissance. We will still collect items like toiletries, socks, etc. for the homeless however.
The time has come to pay your dues for 2018-19. Bring a check, or cash, to our meeting this month. If we can get most everyone to renew before summer, we will not have to make as many phone calls to remind you, and we can get the Handbook out sooner. Dues are $55. Checks should be made out to MCREA.
I heard some sad news yesterday. Elaine Brown passed away Monday morning. It was very quick, and after transport to the hospital, she did not regain consciousness. I know I will miss her and I am sure many of you will also. She led the Scholarship Committee for many years. The committee still uses her directions and information sheets. As soon as I hear about her funeral, I will let you know via email.
Our next meeting will be at 11a.m, on Thursday, March 15, at the IMG Country Club. If you do not hear from your caller by Saturday, March 10, please call Mary Ann Jensen, 756-7603 to make a reservation. Our speaker will be Aedan Stockdale who will tell us about opportunities at the Robinson Preserve.
See you there,
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