Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Manatee County Retired Educators Assn. August/September 2013

 I guess I have become a true Floridian at last.  Even though I burned my fingers on the steering wheel yesterday when I forgot to put up the sunscreen, I can feel fall coming on. I know it won't really arrive in Florida until the last week in October when hurricane season ends and the kids can trick or treat without sweating off their face paint.  Still, there are little signs that it is on the way at last.  The days are getting shorter.  The Earthbox store in Ellenton is open.  School has started.  Bealls has moved and moved the dots and now is discounting the last of summer stuff on the dot racks.  I went in last week and pawed through it all.  Even if didn't find anything, it is blissfully cool and quiet in the store with just us locals shopping.
The MCREA Board met on August 26 to plan for our coming 2013/14 lunches and activities.  The group was well prepared.  Judy Shostrom has been planning all summer and had some interesting suggestions to help us get going.  Susan Roe, vice president, has prepared the calendar, and our treaurer, Ron Schneider, proposed some simplifiations to the management of the treasury which will help keep us up to date on our monetary obligations.

 Ron asked that I let you know that if you have not paid your dues, he is ready to accept them.  Please send your check for $55 to Ron Schneider, 3802 Chinaberry Road, Bradenton, FL 34208.  You can bring your check to our first meeting also.  Paying your dues later than that, however, could result in your name not appearing in the new MCREA Handbook.

The New Retirees Reception is on Thursday, Sept. 5, at 10:00 a.m., at the Central Library in downtown Bradenton.  Please inform your newly retired co-workers that there are good reasons for joining us, in addition to the comaraderie we enjoy.  How better to keep up with the Florida pension fund and the sometimes iffy actions of the state legislature?  If your friend is shy, come along with him or her. Judy makes killer punch and we have lots of other treats.  And the library is so cool  -- in more ways that one.

Our first meeting is at 11: 30 a.m., on Thursday, Sept. 19, at Renaissance on 9th.  We are pleased that our first speaker will be Superintendent Rick Mills. I know you must be very interested in his plans for the school year.  If you do not hear from your caller in the week preceding the meeting, please call Susan Roe at 792-4786 to make a reservation.  Remember that reservations must be honored.  If they are not, expect a bill from MCREA for your lunch.

Our charitable giving was discussed by the board.  They decided that we were collecting for too many causes.  Therefore, the decision was made to collect for the Manatee County Food Bank which is in dire need right now, to collect small toilitries etc. for the nursing home, and to collect children's books for FELT.  No one should feel obligated to bring something to every meeting, but when shopping, it is easy to pick up an extra can of beans, a package of pasta or the like.  Books can be purchased very cheaply at the Central Library second hand book store or at the Goodwill Library at Tara on State Road 70.  Some of us still have a few left over from the classroom which, if we can bear to give them up, would be appreciated by a child who has no books .
MCREA Scheduled Meetings 2013/14 
September 19           Mr. Rick Mills, Superintendent of Manatee County Schools
October 17               Halloween Activities
 November 21          Sandra Ford, Director of Food Services, Manatee County Schools
December 19           Christmas program TBA
January 15               Brynne Anne Besio, South Florida Museum
February 20             Lt. Esterbrook, Manatee County Sheriff's Office
March 20                Samantha Kennedy, Florida Extension Service
April 17                  Fay Murphy, FREA Director
May 15                   Show and Tell
By the way, I think this blog could be more interactive with some input from you.  At the bottom of the page, there is a spot for comments.  If you have any suggestions for the blog, for the board, or just have a comment you would like to make, please do so.  I will look forward to reading something from you.
See you in September,

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