I have some pictures of the retired educators who attended the reception. As you can see, they were a handsome and a cheerful group. I suppose being able to enjoy a leisurely morning after all those years of reporting early would cheer anyone up. But I also think they saw some old friends and shared some memories. Once an educator, always an educator. We go around tamping down the rough spots and looking for the good in people. It's our nature.
Cheryl Bennet, Judy Ussery, Margaret Mitchell
Pat Watkins and Rose Lucas
Roz Steward and Julia Garland
Bob and Valerie Jenkins
Becky Gingras, Eileen Merchant, Shirley Robinson
FREA District VII Leadership Training
The FREA Traveling Team of President Thelma Mosley, President Elect Cathy McCarthy, Treasurer Marie Grein, and our own Faye Murphy State Director presented the workshop. We were represented by Judy Shostrom, Deborah Thomas, Susan Roe, Nancy Erwin, Ron Schneider, Tom Thompson, David and Carolyn Brown, and I. We came home through the rain invigorated and ready for a great MCREA year.
Carolyn Brown shows the check which represents the hours of volunteer services prformed by MCREA members and their worth in dollars.
Carolyn Brown presents the FREA Volunteer of the Year Certificate to Ron Schneider.
David Brown sells door prize tickets to support FREF scholarships.
At the last count that I heard, 90 people had made reservations for our first lunch meeting. Rick Mills, Manatee County Schools Superintendent, was part of the draw, of course. He did not let us down. I thought he was exceptionally forthright and open about his plans to improve education in our county. His intent seems to be to work with school faculties and principals to bring about better learning. His concern for morale of employees was encouraging. And he said that curriculum planning and long range goals must be arrived at by a concensus of everyone, not just top down directives. He also said that purchases for educational materials must be supported by concrete gains in learning. To me and several others at my table, his approach seemed practical and well considered. Perhaps teachers will be able to get off the merry go round and use their skills and creativity which make their calling so much more interesting and effective. Teaching is a calling, after all, not just a job.
We had a great outpouring of love in the form of bags and bags of donated food for the Food Bank, lots of small gifts for the nursing homes, and some lovely books for FELT. Remember that you do not have to bring something every time, but when you can contribute it is all good. We are not collecting food for FELT this year, just books. We thought we might be asking too much of everyone.
Again, we are hoping that you will donate to the MCREA Scholarship Fund. At our October meeting, Sandy Stephenson will be calling those bingo letters again. Please come with 20 quarters to play. Those quarters will be applied to the fund while they are still hot. Also, come in costume if you like. We always have some great costumes and we will have prizes for the best, the scariest, the prettiest, etc.
See you at 11:30 (sooner is better to avoid the long line at check-in), on Thursday, October 17. If you do not hear from your caller in the week preceding the meeting, call Mary Ann Jensen at 756-7603.
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