Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 2015

    I know everyone was saddened by the deaths of our members, Everlina Carter and Sharon Ethridge.  Then we also lost two well-loved, former Superintendents, Dan Nolan and Gene Whitt.

    Several years ago, David Brooks, N.Y. Times editorial writer and commentator on PBS News, wrote a column about loss which resonated with me.  He said that we never really lose our loved ones because they are part of us.  As we go on living, the experiences, thoughts, and dreams we shared with them remain alive.  Yes, we miss them terribly, but they still live on in us. 

  When I first started teaching at Southeast High School, Dan Nolan was already there teaching English and Speech.  He was in his early 20's and looked every bit of 16.  It was his second year there and he said that finally other teachers had stopped sending him back to his classroom because he didn't have a hall pass.  His wife Marilyn also was there teaching Biology.  Love bloomed.

    Gene Whitt was a force of nature.  When he appeared at Southeast as principal, the school changed completely.  He swept us all up, students and faculty, with the strength of his personality, sending us out to teach and learn as we had never done before.  School spirit bloomed and grade averages rose in spite of our lack of textbooks, desks, and a living wage.  When we, in desperation, walked out, Gene came with us.  He stayed for a few days until he was ordered back into the school by the superintendent.  But we knew where his heart was.  It was always with the students and their teachers.

    Our meeting attendance has been great.  We had 92 signed up to come to our last session.  We hope that you will join us on Feb. 19th.  We are hosting the Sarasota Retired Educators Association.  Linda Edson, FREA Legislative Committee Chair, will be our speaker.  You will hear about the latest legislative activity which may prompt us into some activity of our own if they are still attempting to weaken the Florida Retirement System. Just for fun, we are suggesting that you show some patriotism for this month of Presidents' Day by wearing red, white, and blue. 

    When you are chatting and doing Sandy's latest puzzle, do not forget to jot down your volunteer hours and put them in the basket your table.  The numbers are amazing when everyone shares.  In May, all the hours of all the units across the state are amassed and then presented in the form of a check to the Governor for the amount those hours would be worth.  Good karma and good publicity in one shot.

    MCREA Scholarship forms are in the high schools and we hope for some great applicants.  The Scholarship Committee is still accepting donations.  Just give your check made out to MCREA Scholarships to Ron Schneider when you sign in, or mail it to him at 3802 Chinaberry Road, Bradenton, FL 34208.
    FREF is asking for donations to the FREA Scholarships also.  Tickets for door prizes will be available at our meetings until May.  We have two Manatee County Students who are currently receiving the scholarships.  These are particularly good awards because they continue throughout the winners' college career.  We had an excellent student apply this year, and we have sent her application with our recommendations along to FREF.  Competition is keen since each FREA Unit in the state may send in one student application.

    The MCREA Board elected to donate $50 to the Manatee County History Fair as we have done for several years.  If you are interested in volunteering as a judge or in some other way at the fair, please see Phyllis Omilak for information.

    The Board also decided to charge $5 for a handbook replacement.  If you would like to purchase another, see Elaine Waldron.

    As always, if your caller misses you, call Mary Ann Jensen by Sunday, Feb. 15, to make a reservation.

See you soon,

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